All Posts under "Resources"

Best Unreal Engine Books For Aspiring Game Developers

There are two incredibly popular modern game engines: Unreal and Unity. In a recent post we covered the best Unity books and in this post I want to focus solely on the Unreal game engine. I’ve sifted through […]

Best 10 Unity Books For Learning Game Development

Video games have only been around for ~50 years and they’ve taken the world by storm. Most people grew up with games and many want to eventually work in game development. There are many big gaming engines but […]

The Best Machine Learning Books To Go From Novice To Expert

There’s no single book that can help you fully master machine learning. It’s a complicated subject that spans many topics, purposes, and of course benefits in real-world applications. But this post should help novices and experts alike find […]

Best React.js Books For Teaching Yourself From Scratch

Facebook created one of the most beloved frontend frameworks on the web. It seems like everyone and their grandma is picking up React and cherishing every minute of it. There are dozens of tutorials online but many of […]

Best Zend Framework Books For PHP Developers

Open source frameworks reduce the details to make web development a lot simpler. One of the oldest PHP frameworks is Zend, an open source project with thousands of contributors. Learning Zend obviously requires a foundation in PHP development. […]

50 Creative & Dark Nighttime Desktop Wallpapers

Often times it is easier to leave your rig with the default desktop settings. Both Windows and Mac OS X have a nice default setup and although they are recognizable, sometimes you want more. Custom desktop wallpapers may […]

Top 10 Books To Learn Haskell Programming

Functional programming is a lot of fun for rapid prototyping and scaling new ideas. But it’s also difficult to study if you’re brand new to the field. Devs with procedural programming knowledge will have an easier time getting […]

Best PostgreSQL Books For Teaching Yourself Database Management

PostgreSQL is a unique DB system with a big focus on scalable architecture. Many backend developers pick up MySQL as their first engine because it comes by default on most hosting providers. But PostgreSQL is a more versatile […]

10 Best XSLT Books For Beginners & Intermediate Developers

The basics of XSLT appear very simple on the surface, but they get more complex as you delve into development. XML and XSLT work wonders together. With XPath you can build some very intriguing applications. It all seems […]

Best Books for Learning RESTful Web Services & Custom REST APIs

Modern APIs allow so much freedom to create incredible applications from 3rd party servers. The REST architecture is also the most popular, and it’s the one that most startups choose when building their own APIs. If you’re a […]