Start React offers free React.js themes & React Native for iOS/Android

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React.js is one of the more popular JavaScript libraries for modern development. React operates views that can be managed by JS components which are mixed into the HTML. This allows for more dynamic layouts and greater control by developers.

ReactJS can be intimidating when first getting started. There’s a lot to learn and plenty of room for mistakes. But once you get the basics down it can be a very powerful library for any application written on any stack.

Start React is a free website that aggregates ReactJS themes for development. You can download any theme for free and plug it right into your web application. The site is brand new and only features a handful of themes at the moment, but it’ll surely grow quickly as React themes become much more commonplace.

ani reactjs theme

Best of all Start React even includes templates for React Native apps. These are mobile applications built for Android/iOS which utilize ReactJS as a view controller.

All themes are fully compatible with React and made to work on every possible system. Some 3rd party resources like Bootstrap have also been used to create a more uniform theme design.

If you’re curious check out Start React to see what they have to offer. And if you’re a developer feel free to contribute your own themes into the website to add more free resources into the React community.

Author: Jaime Morrison

Jaime is a jr. designer interested in mobile UI/UX research and frontend web development with JavaScript frameworks. He covers general news and useful resources in the web design space.