Landing pages are the bread & butter of traditional web design. Everything from startups to product sales have their own landing page. Everything from web copy to design play a role in enticing users towards the product.
But how can you start planning your own landing page design? A new gallery Lapa Ninja was created exactly for this purpose.
Designers can check out high-quality examples of landing pages and pick up on design trends for their own work. Plus you can submit existing landing pages into the site to have them featured in the gallery.
Topics include design tools, photography, software, and of course ecommerce(among many others). While there are other landing page galleries like Land Book, there aren’t as many choices as you might think. Lapa Ninja is a breath of fresh air in the growing web design economy that’s consistently on the hustle for inspiration.
If you have time check out Lapa Ninja and see what you think. The gallery is constantly growing and it’s a great way to find ideas for your own landing page concepts.