All Posts under "Reviews"
Book Review: Jump Start Sketch by Daniel Schwarz
The heated debate of Photoshop vs Sketch has the attention of every UI/UX designer. From my experience with Sketch I can safely say this is one killer design program. People who already know Photoshop may have an easy […]
Review of Activiti in Action: Executable business processes in BPMN 2.0
Business processes are not widely known but they are incredibly useful. Knowing how to implement them properly is a whole different story. I recently stumbled onto Activiti in Action and decided to give it a try. This book […]
Book Review: CoffeeScript in Action
Many web developers have moved over to TypeScript in place of CoffeeScript because of convenience and features. And with the release of ES6 it seems even more likely that CoffeeScript has been replaced. But there’s still an audience […]
Book Review: Rails 4 in Action Revised 2nd Edition
The RoR community moves faster than most open source projects. It has a growing userbase and new features are constantly being pushed through. This book covers the Rails 4 library even though Rails 5 was released in June […]
Book Review: SPA Design and Architecture: Understanding Single Page Web Applications
Modern JavaScript can do a lot more now than it could a decade ago. Single page web applications are becoming much more popular and with advanced web browsers these SPAs can reach a wide audience. But how do […]
Book Review: UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want
There’s a big difference between UX design and UX strategy. Well, maybe not BIG. But definitely a difference in the way you approach problems and solve them. UX Strategy by Jaime Levy is an O’Reilly book focusing on […]
Book Review: Meteor in Action
The open source Meteor.js framework is one of the most popular choices for building single-page applications. But it comes with a steep learning curve that seems almost impossible to overcome by yourself. This is where Meteor in Action […]
Book Review: Advanced Analytics with Spark: Patterns for Learning from Data at Scale
Big data is taking over the world in the form of enterprise applications and social networks. Spark is a powerful engine by Apache used for data processing and analysis. The authors of Advanced Analytics with Spark put down […]
Book Review: jQuery in Action 3rd Edition
I’ve been writing jQuery for years and I could never give it up. When I first learned jQuery it blew me away how much easier the syntax was compared to vanilla JavaScript. In today’s age of rapid web […]
Review of Grokking Algorithms: An Illustrated Guide for Programmers and Other Curious People
Learning to write an algorithm is no easy task. But everybody starts somewhere, and getting started can be the most challenging part. That’s why I was excited to find a book on algorithms that went all-out with illustrations. […]