Find top user-voted color palettes on

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It’s tough to understand color selection in all styles of visual arts. Web/UI design is especially tricky because color selection often involves matching the branding with a unique layout style.

If you’re someone who needs help with colors then check out PLTTS. This community is powered by users that submit and vote up interesting color palettes.

Colors can be arranged in equal order with 3-6 different selections together, or you might find some that have more dominant colors. This mix creates a wonderful gallery of impeccable color choices for any digital design.

pltts color schemes

This webapp has been online for a few years now and has garnered lots of attention from the design community.

It’s based on the submission style of Colour Lovers, but with a simpler interface and a deeper focus on the community at large. Users power the entire site by submitting their own ideas & voting on existing ones.

The most popular color palettes rise to the front page for a chance to be used in professional design work. And best of all there’s a unique search feature that allows you to enter HEX codes and find color palettes that match an existing color.

Visit the site to see how it all works and stay on top of new palettes on Twitter @PLTTSme.


Author: Jaime Morrison

Jaime is a jr. designer interested in mobile UI/UX research and frontend web development with JavaScript frameworks. He covers general news and useful resources in the web design space.