All Posts under "Resources"
20 Best JavaScript Books To Go From Beginner to Advanced
If you’re an aspiring web developer then you’ll need to learn JavaScript. It’s a staple for frontend work and it’s the fastest growing language powering dozens of free tools & libraries like Node.js. Before you can dive into […]
Best C# Books: Take Yourself From Beginner To Expert
Some of the coolest video games and programs run on a C# codebase. It’s a wildly popular language and it’s only getting more popular as the years pass. If you want to jump onto this bandwagon there’s never […]
Best Internet Of Things(IoT) Books
Every tech enthusiast has read about the Internet of Things and how it can revolutionize our homelife. Adding Internet connectivity to your refrigerator may seem weird now. But in a few decades this could be the norm. To […]
12 Best MongoDB Books For Teaching Yourself
Databases have changed radically in the past few years with NoSQL becoming the norm. These DBs are non-relational which makes development trickier but also faster and easier to scale. MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL DBs […]
20 Best Ruby Programming Books: From Novice To Professional
One of the best languages for modern programming is Ruby. It’s predominantly used on the web but also works for software development and smaller apps too. There’s so much to learn with this language and if you’re looking […]
13 Best Go Programming Books
The strange little gerbil of Go has become a beloved creature for many programmers. The Go language was first released in 2007 and it was fostered right at Google. It’s definitely one of the fastest-growing languages for web […]
Best Android App Programming Books
Mobile app development is still on the rise with more smartphones in the hands of more people. Android is the more affordable option so it leads to a larger userbase. Programmers can develop anything for Android from to-do […]
14 Best Visual Basic Books For Beginners
The Visual Basic environment lets developers create programs using Microsoft’s proprietary framework. VB is a powerful language that started as an abstraction from BASIC, and now often covers the VB.NET ecosystem. If you’re looking for a good way […]
Best Windows Server 2016 Books
Microsoft updates their server OS every few years and this always comes with a bundle of new features. Their latest update WinServer 2016 comes alongside Win10 so it’s quite a different environment. Recently I covered the best books […]
Top 20 Java Programming Books From Beginner To Advanced
Java is the original Sun Microsystems programming language and it’s been around the block for well over two decades. This can be used for anything from games to mobile apps, desktop software, and enterprise programs for servers. If […]