All Posts under "Web Design"
100+ Mommy Blogs For Creative Design Inspiration
Who wouldn’t love cute baby photos, awesome recipes, and fun decorating tips all in one place? Mommy bloggers have taken the Internet by storm and given bored housewives a chance to share their expertise with others around the […]
Book Review: Drupal for Designers by Dani Nordin
With Automattic’s WordPress dominating the CMS market it can be tough finding the courage to pick up Drupal. It is great and open source, but also tough for a beginner. But since Drupal for Designers is aimed at […]
100+ College & University Websites For Design Inspiration
I recently did a lengthy post on high school web design looking at popular trends found in primary school websites. This led me into looking at college sites which often have a more detailed approach to design. There […]
Creative Reddit Homepage UI Redesigns
No other social news website comes close to the popularity of Reddit. Users have the ability to create their own subreddits and grow mini-communities within the website. It’s known as Digg’s greatest competitor which grew rapidly after the […]
Imaginative Yelp Redesigns: Website Mockups and Mobile App Interfaces
These Yelp redesigns were created by designers from Dribbble with the intent of gaining practice, recognition, or providing a critique to Yelp’s current design. The best way to learn design is by studying and practicing. These designers have […]
Infographic: Ecommerce Tips & Trends For Modern Web Designers
From marketing your services to improving your clients’ designs, ecommerce is a word you likely hear every day. As more businesses enter the ecommerce marketplace, designers are expected to master all trades – or at least have advice […]
TV Channel Network Web Design Trends & Inspiration
Television was considered the killer of radio and is now a staple for home entertainment. Aside from streaming services like Netflix, most television shows air over a broadcast network. These TV networks are either free for all or […]
Law Firm Web Design: Tips, Best Practices And Inspiration For Legal Websites
Lawyers need functioning websites like every other client-based profession. But law firm & paralegal websites are held to different standards from their visitors. So what goes into a quality law firm website and how do you build one […]
Conference & Event Websites: Best Design Practices To Encourage Attendance
Meetups and professional conferences have grown into every possible industry around the world. The Internet makes it much easier for people to connect and attend these conferences. But without a quality website and a streamlined user experience, conferences […]
High School Website Design Ideas & Inspiration
It’s surprisingly difficult to find quality designs for public school websites. Students, parents, and faculty rely on a school’s website to find information about everything from after-school activities to upcoming events and yearly curriculum changes. I did find […]